Monday 30 January 2012

GlowMark Energy Consumption Cost Reductions & Carbon Off-Setting

Reduce Your Energy Consumption Costs And Off-Set Carbon Emissions

GlowMark™ Low Cost and Zero Carbon Usage technology will also further enable governments and utilities companies to turn off a big percentage of costly electric lighting, effectively GlowMarks useage will help to provide massive financial savings which are very important in today’s current economic crisis. 

New policies are currently being discussed and explored by councils as well as local and central governments; and many new ideas and initiatives are now being put into working practice by The US, UK and European Union Countries and their governments in an effort to reduce costs and expenditure they are constantly being hammered for. 

Many local councils are now turning off a percentage of street lights due to the current economic crisis and the continuing rise in costs and charges of electricity which are increasing with inflation every year ongoing. 

GlowMark™ technology and products can also provide annual savings of Millions in financial budget terms currently being spent on utilities charges,enabling governments and councils to turn off a percentage of street lighting with confidence because they are making secondary safety provisions for pedestrains who will be walking on pathways in lower lit streets of a nightime, GlowMark provides a visual aid at a low affordable cost to prevent people from tripping over potential useen hazards in lower lit areas in towns,cities, villages and rural areas of a night time.

GlowMark™ technology will enable these big organizations to initiate their sustainablility policies with more confidence whilst also greatly reducing the likelihood of having public liability insurance claims made against them as a result of people tripping or falling due to lower light conditions. 

The massive amounts of money these organisations will easily be able to save annually and the greater reduction of carbon offsets and emissions they can make, will also have a drastically measured and a highly beneficial impact to all major towns,cities and villages everywhere.

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